View Your Customers As Toddlers

   Reilly Newman    |    

If you’ve ever been around toddlers, you’d know the one word they love. It’s easy to say, quick to get a response, and leads to more conversation.

“Why?” is exactly right. Why does this one small word become so beloved among the little ones? Human nature.

© Motif Brands

Just as Einstein, The Beatles, Steve Jobs, and many other catalysts of our society questioned the norms and asked “WHY” a child has the same innate curiosity.

It would be foolish to ignore this fact and pretend that your average consumer doesn’t ask “WHY” on one level or another. Yes, people vary in curiosity, but there is still a “why-drive” behind the shopping experience.
Why is organic better? Why do those shoes have air pockets in the sole? Why does that computer look different? Why choose this brand?

Just as a toddler has realized very early in life, “why” creates conversation, story and meaning. We usually generalize this as simply an “answer” to the question, but we should really see it as value being added. Value in sense of depth and understanding being created and associated with the subject. It’s the clearest and most effective way to create additional perceived value.

As Simon Sinek clearly states in his book “Start With Why” — why is what makes successful brands extremely powerful. Rather than starting with the What or How, we must start with the Why and then work towards the How and finally the What.

Why is your business better? Why should they choose your brand?