How would you define “branding”?
From our experience, we’ve heard it all. From slapping your logo on everything in sight to simple bandaid solutions that lack any sense of long term strategy.
The sad truth is that many businesses are wasting money on what they believe to be “branding” and frankly you can’t blame them. The term “branding” has become as ambiguous and overused like the word “entrepreneur”; so much so that now it seems like everyone is an entrepreneur. Yet just as it is with pure-bred entrepreneurs, true branding will stand the test of time and not merely be a trend or knee-jerk reaction.
If possible, I’d ask for you to banish the common term of “branding” and allow yourself to focus on the true essence of the strategy and implementation behind the brand.
(As I’d wish the same for “entrepreneur” – disown the term and focus on the grit, passion, and discipline of the true entrepreneurs. Simply using the term by no means equates to these specific attributes that over time build empires.)
Branding for a Brand
Your brand is much, much more than simply plastering your logo everywhere and adding to the overwhelming white noise.
Your brand is your most important asset, shouldn’t it be treated like it?
Stop wasting your money on branding and start building your business into a brand strategically.