Saddling Up Your Business For Success

   Reilly Newman    |    

Business can be a beast. A business will want to give into its natural tendencies when left alone.

Imagine your business as a wild mustang. Beautiful and freely running, erratic behavior and dangerous at points. Your business is drawn to its “nature” or what we might call your industry. It will want to follow the herd. To do what is safe and stay within what is normal for its nature.

For a wild animal to truly stand out from the crowd, it must be tamed. An animal in nature is a lot different than a tamed animal. Take a house dog for example. Would a dog in the wild learn to shake hands or do a trick for a treat like we so often teach our pets to do? Never.

How do you tame a business? Well, like a saddle to a horse, your brand is the saddle to your business.

© Motif Brands

The horse won’t want you there. They will buck and spin wanting you off, your business wants to be comfortable and not pushed… heck, most business owners want to be comfortable too. Comfort is how businesses fail. When an animal is comfortable and puts down its guard in the wild, that is when it is attacked. Taming and guiding your business is how you help your business survive and thrive.

Your brand is the saddle that envelopes the business and helps the rider (the business owner) gain control of the wild animal. To help guide the energy and potential of the animal. It’s a clumsy dance at first, but once fully saddled and tamed it becomes a beautiful tango.

Business Success Through Brand

By saddling up your business through your brand, you are empowered to help your business stand out from the pack. To roam uncharted regions and explore further where perhaps their species (industry) has not gone before. The brand brings clarity and confidence to not just the rider, but to the business as well.

Start saddling up your business by outlining your customer journey through its touchpoints. Make sure you stay in the saddle and keep your hands on the reigns. Horses and businesses can be easily spooked by varmit. As the rider, you must maintain control and most importantly stay calm, cool, and collected. Use the power and skills of your business to drive further into the frontier. Through your brand you can help your business not just be another part of the herd, but a trailblazer.