Brand Motif

   Reilly Newman    |    

When it comes to brand development and design, the word motif should come to mind. Besides the name of our business – Motif Brands – this comes to mind because motif actually has a very relevant meaning that is extremely applicable to the concept of brand.

The beautiful meaning is defined by Merriam-Webster in several instances:

  1. a usually recurring salient thematic element (as in the arts) | especially a dominant idea or central theme
  2. a single or repeated design or color
  3. (biochemistry) a distinctive, usually recurrent, molecular sequence or structural element

Obviously, there’s a focus on a theme or central idea. A conceptual nucleus that runs throughout an entire story, art, pattern, song, etc. — or better yet, BRAND. The motif of a brand plays a crucial role in the success of the brand. This is simply true because the motif is the brand.

This theory is founded on the truth that “brand” is a psychological phenomenon that is dependent on the perception of your audience. The meaning and association they give your business creates your brand.
The core meaning they derive is the motif of your brand. The central theme and narrative they project upon your business.

The good news is that there are certain devices within your control to help manage and influence this motif. Just as a song is written with certain melodies and hooks to portray a story or feelings for the listener to partake of, the songwriter ultimately gives up perception to the listener. Songs, shows, movies, and fashion all are examples that play by these same rules. Each focuses on a motif that is designed to signal to their audience and influence the internal motif they project upon the piece of work.

For your business, it is a very similar process. The offering you provide to the market is your song. The method by which you create, present, and deliver are all parts of the motif you are weaving for your audience. The words, imagery, materials, etc. that you choose to use play their role in your “song” as you orchestrate the value your business provides. To understand not just the elements that make up your motif, but how to deliberately craft your brand motif will do wonders for your business.

The motif of your brand isn’t solely up to you. The way your audience perceives your “song” as they listen will take into account the genre, mood, tempo, lyrics, and even visuals (ironically). Just as some musical artists just aren’t for certain individuals, your brand must have the same discernment. Your brand motif is written and performed by you, yet perceived by them.

© Motif Brands

The beauty of the central theme to your business (your motif) is that once your hard work aligns and resonates with a certain audience’s perception of you, it creates a beautiful harmony of music. The brand motif is telling a story that many can get behind and be part of. You see this with successful acts such as Taylor Swift, Elton John, Pink Floyd, Grateful Dead, Beyonce, Beastie Boys, Beatles, ACDC, and The Eagles — their writing and perception created almost cult-like followings that drew in those who resonated. Their central motifs became a beacon signaling to their audiences. They changed styles, some hopped genres, and others replaced members, but the motif was always there and the audience was just as much part of it as the members.

The brand motif is a collaborative process that mixes strategy and creativity to write the central thread to the tapestry of your business. It’s not for everyone and it never should be. It’s by you, for them and with them.